How long should whooping cough symptoms take to go?

by Symptom Advice on April 27, 2011

I caught whooping cough in may. it felt awful, i was being sick about 20 – 40 times a day, dry heaving and coughing so hard id sometimesz pee. (too much detail i know)
I am still coughing very hard, fluids are still coming out my eyes and nose when i do, im sick about once a week now, but its really wearing me out. I have been to see the doc again and he said "cougs do take a while to go" but this is getting ridiculous. I havent been able to run around with my kids because the slightest bit of excitment and im off doing the mad choking routine. Does anyone out there have any advice? or have you gone through it yourself…and how long did your symptoms last?

Get a referral to an allergist. If your doctor will not do it, go to the E.R. when your coughing symptoms are worse coz you will need a breathing treatment. I don't want to diagnose you, but sound like me when I finally developed full blown asthma….

Took me about 6 months but I was back at work after a few weeks. can be pretty rough.

I was living in a room that had mouldy walls from seeping moisture. it may have had something to do with it I don't know.

Hope you start feeling better soon, sounds awfull

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