How many of you got pregnant and had no pregnancy symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on February 22, 2011

My period is due. I have no pregnancy symptoms and no period symptoms. I ALWAYS have really bad period symptoms. This is weird. I should be having extremely sore breast and cramps by now. I should of had sore breast a few days ago. I feel nothing. Sore Breast is one of the symptoms of pregnancy so could I be pregnant with no symptoms? I live out in the middle of nowhere and don't want to go all the way in to town for a preg test. How many of you got pregnant and had no symptoms?

I was 6 weeks along before I got really tired and suspected something was up. I even thought I had a period the 2 weeks before that, but it was short. Turns out it was implantation bleeding. so I was actually pregnant for an entire month with no nausea, no boob soreness, nothing. I took a test, it was positive, and at my 8 week appointment, I was told I was measuring 13 weeks. (This is my second, and I did have symptoms the first time around.) I'm 26 weeks now.

I found out on Wed that my hubby & I are expecting our first baby! The doctors aren't sure how far along I am since I'm sooo irregular (& always have been!), but they are estimating that I am 4-6 weeks along. I am not really experiencing any symptoms, other than no period of course. I think I'm too early for the whole puking stage. I've been having slight cramps on the sides of my uterus (NOTHING like a menstrual cramp) for about a week now, but that's it. my breasts have been SO tender too. I'm glad I'm not completely nauseous or anything yet, but the lack of symptoms makes it hard to believe I'm going to be a mommy. :) It's also frustrating not knowing how far along I am because I want to know how my baby is growing this week, when I get to meet him/her, etc.

The only symptoms I had with either of my kids in the first couple of months was being really tired, a lot more than usual, and a complete loss of appetite. If it had not been for the missed period both times, I would have assumed I just had a virus or something.

Judging from the number of women I've come across who were truly surprised to discover they were pregnant, I don't think it's uncommon to have no symptoms for a while in the beginning, except for missed periods.

I ended up getting sore boobs, but other than that, it was like I wasn't even pregnant. even now at 32 weeks, I still haven't had morning sickness or anything you read about.
There are soooo many symptoms associated with pregnancy. Most are vague and at the same time, I think alot of people imagine them in the begining. (I'm not talking about the obvious ones such as morning sickness of course!)

when i got pregnant with my first child i had no symptoms at all for 4 months..i even had a period for 2 of those months…it came a a complete shock to me when i found out i was pregnant, so i know what you are feeling. give it a little time and see if your period shows up….could be nothing at all…if you stress about it now you may not have a period at all….stress can play havoc with your cycle…causing it to come or or not at all on occasion….just ride it out for a bit and see if mother nature makes an appearance or see if you start feeling symptoms…if nothing happens in about a week or so…you might need to travel into town and see about a test…if you arent prego might be something else……good luck

i found out i was prego and didnt have any symptoms at all! I had a late period but i figured it was stress because i had a leep procedure scheduled and thought my body was freaking out because of it. Turns out i was wrong-didnt get the procedure done but found out i was prego,craziest experience ever! I couldnt have been more breasts were not tender at all and i had no bloating.I would have never known

I am one of those women. I never had any morning sickness. Never had sore breasts. No food cravings. The only thing I notice was feeling tired at around 10 weeks pregnant. But that went away quickly. In less than a week it was gone. Right now I'm 24 weeks pregnant. oh and the peeing a lot came also around 10 weeks, but that doesn't go away. and I missed my period, but even then, I did not think I was pregnant because I didn't feel pregnant.

For now, make sure to take a multivitamin and eat lots of foods high in folic acid, like dark green things, beans, oranges, etc. That way if you happen to be pregnant, you are getting all the things you need to have to have a healthy baby. It's not like those foods aren't good for you if you aren't pregnant, right?

Ive seen plenty of things on t.v. of women getting pregnant, no symptoms
and heading to the emergency room to have a baby, unknowingly
yeah its very possible, take care of yourself if you think you may be pregnant
next time you head to town be sure to get a pregnancy test. :]

I missed my period. That was all I got. still today… 34 weeks pregnant with my second baby… I've never had sore breasts, cramps, back aches, swollen feet, stretch marks… nothing! just a big belly and no period…lol. my home pregnancy tests even came up negative. you may wanna just make an appt to get a blood test.

Same with me, other than missing my period and my stomach growing I never had any other symptoms. I never had morning sickness, sore breasts, I did get the urge to urinate when the baby got bigger, but that is normal as she was squishing my bladder.

Every pregnancy is different. you can have no symptoms or even the opposite of what you would consider normal signs.

Read the article
Uncommon Symptoms of Pregnancy…

For more info.

Good Luck!

The only symptom I had was a missing period and by 2 months fatigue. I'm afraid though you'll have to suck it up and take that trip into town to take that test. Pregnancy is one of those things you can't diagnose over the internet :-

I have a friend who had no idea she was pregnant and went to the hospital with really bad tummy pains and had a baby! I have heard of this before, but I have been preggo and don't understand how you can not know. But its possible.

i got no symptoms other than period cramps but no period. 3-4 weeks later the sore breasts started…No sickness what so ever though… everyone is different some people suffer some get no symptoms. Stress can delay period, wait a week if u still havent come on go get a test

With my daughter I had every symptom, but with this pregnancy I have not had a single symptom except feeling my baby kick around lol I'm 19w2d's. I tested before my period just because I thought I was pregnant and i was!!

the only symptom i had at first was a missed period….then the nausea didnt start til i was about 3 and a half months and only lasted 2 weeks.

i wish i never got any pregnancy symptoms, from before my period was due i had cramps and sore boobs and now at 8weeks i am pretty familiar with the inside of my toilet bowl :(

I had no symptoms with either child. I didn't know i was pregnant the second time until I was 10 weeks along. I had two full cycles before I knew too.

same here, i had no symptoms other than a missed period. I found out when i was almost a month late. I also have had a great pregnancy with no morning sickness, maybe you will be lucky!

Other then a missed period I had no symptoms for a few weeks!

I had no symptoms whatsoever. I found out I was pregnant at 5.5 months. The only thing that should have given it away was that at one point I was convinced that I was buying bad milk (it smelt terrible) and my bf thought I was crazy for throwing it out! I also went to take a drink of a martini (this was less that 2 months along) and the smell from the alcohol made me want to throw up. other than those 2 instances I did not know until I was doing crunches one day and I realized that my tummy had a tiny pouch (I was very thin, and had not gained weight- but the baby was starting to poke out at this time). I went to the doctor and expected to maybe be 6 weeks pregnant- I almost fell on the floor when the ultrasound revealed that we would have a baby in 3 months!

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