How soon after exposure do oral herpes symptoms appear?

by Symptom Advice on December 22, 2010

if you kiss someone who may have oral herpes, how long does it usually take for symptoms to appear on yourself? (AKA when will I know i am in the clear for not having it?!??!?) please help

You can find out that you have herpes as soon as 3 days or as late as years after getting it. Herpes usually affects the mouth and area around the penis or vagina, buttocks or upper thighs. Some signs of herpes are Blisters, bumps, or pimples on the infected area that crust over, Fever, Headache and Pain while peeing. Herpes sometimes looks like bug bites, rash, jock itch, zipper burn, razor burn, irritation from sex, or yeast infection. get tested if you are confused if you have herpes.

The usual incubation period of the virus (time before any symptoms show) is approximately two to twelve days after the first exposure to the virus. As most people contract cold sores before the age of seven, it is common for a person not to remember their first or 'primary' cold sore outbreak. once infected with cold sores, the virus remains inside the body in a latent (sleeping) state. Throughout a person's life the virus can then become "activated" causing a cold sore recurrence.

relax herpes simple 1 is not the end of the world…. jeez it's not like u have AIDS or CANCER for God's sake. put some carmex on your lips everyday; night and day before the supposed outbreak.. it will prevent it from coming out because that's what it is for.. not quit ur crap..

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