How soon can you get pregnancy symptoms and what are the symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on February 22, 2011

I was just wondering what is the soonest you can feel pregnancy symptoms? And what are the very first pregnancy symptoms besides a missed period? My husband and I have been TTC for a year now and I was just wondering and thought I would ask. also, I have my period the 28th of every month so I therefore I had my period on Junuary 28, 2009, and have so far had sex with my husband the 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, and the 16th. what are the chances I could've got pregnant?

i also agree that its different for everyone. for me personally (im 19 weeks) i had no idea i was pregnant for about 2 months. i just thought i had an irregular period and i even took a test that came out negetive but should have been positive. if you think you might be pregnant go to a doctor but my first symptoms were mood swings. and as for the chances no one can really know your chances because its different for everyone.

i got my symptoms in the first months, i was rushing to the toilet every hour which was weird to me. u can have ur home test on the day of ur missed period which will be more accurate than 2 or 3 days before it. i tried it 5 days before my period and it was negative, i tried it on the day of my missed period and it came out positive and horaay!!!

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