How soon could you see the flu like symptoms of Lymes Disease?

by Symptom Advice on November 26, 2010

How soon could you see the flue like symptoms of Lymes Disease?

It varies … one to 3 weeks is thought to be usual, but that was based on people who were in an area infested with the ticks for a very short time, then left it. If you live in one of those areas, it's hard to diagnose Lymes without blood tests. it could be any old virus that gives those symptoms.

The most common first symptom is the "bullseye rash", but not everyone gets it.

Every person reacts differently and their immune systems are different. But the 1-3 weeks is generally the case. If you have any reason to believe that you could be infected , i would get an appointment with your doctor ASAP. Also check out this website for more information:…

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