How soon does flu symptoms occur?

by Symptom Advice on April 5, 2011

I was wondering how soon flu like symptoms occur when first pregnant.
You know when your pregnant you just think your sick with the flu? And its really pregnancy. Throwing up, nausea, etc….flu/pregnancy. get it?


Well that doesn't always apply to everybody because pregnancy symptoms varies for everybody. With flu-like symptoms you have to be very careful and particular because as almost every country is currently experiencing right HINI Virus. you should closely monitor all these symptoms and get tested if it persists for more than three days. However, pregnancy symptoms can be very similar to flu-like symptoms with the nausea or vomiting. so yes you do have a point but it will match for those two symptoms only.

It depends on the woman. also if you're pregnant w/2 or more babies, symptoms will start earlier. I'd say it's anywhere from 4 – 8 wks that most women get their first symptoms.

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