How to Prevent Bladder Cancer

by Symptom Advice on March 1, 2011

Bladder cancer is the cancer affecting the inner lining of the can be cured if detected at an early stage.Symptoms of bladder cancer includes frequent and painful urination, blood in urine, pain in back and abdomen etc.

A number of factors like smoking, exposure to radiations, age etc. has been assumed to be the cause of bladder cancer.However the exact cause is not known yet.

Men are prone to bladder cancer more than is likely to occur in people aged above 60 mostly.there is not much ways by which you can prevent bladder cancer.But you can certainly reduce the risk of getting affected by bladder cancer by making few changes in your to prevent bladder cancer, start taking few precautions right away.

First and most important thing you can do to prevent bladder cancer is to quit smoking. Certain studies have suggested that smokers are more prone to bladder cancer than people who do not smoke.Moreover smoking could result in a number of other forms of cancer refrain from all your bad habits to prevent such diseases.

If you work in some place where you are continuously exposed to any sort of chemicals or radiations then make sure to protect yourself from those has been proved that people who work in such conditions are likely to develop cancer.So cover yourself in every way to protect yourself and prevent bladder cancer.

People tend to completely ignore their diet.But most studies have revealed that diet could play a major role in preventing most forms of ensure that you eat a healthy and well balanced diet.Include plenty of fruits and vegetables to your daily meals.Cabbage, broccoli, radish and other cruciferous vegetables are a must in your diet to keep bladder cancer away.

Increase in uptake of raw fruits and vegetables will also increase your immunity and interfere with the multiplication process of tumorous cells.Also make sure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out all impurities off your body.start taking these precautions from right this moment to prevent such ailments in your old age.Also make regular visits to your doctor and get yourself checked for any such ailment.So make sure that you lead a healthy life to prevent bladder cancer.

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