How to stop the minor flu symptoms from getting worse?

by Symptom Advice on June 14, 2011

ok, im starting to get minor flu symptoms, they are not very bad yet, sore throat, low fever, but I still have energy and stuff like that. can I stop it from getting worse?

There are medications you can get by prescription that can shorten the life of the flu. You will have to see your doctor for these. I believe they must be taken within 12-24 hours of first feeling it, so go on to the doc.
Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®)
Zanamivir (Relenza®)
Amantadine (Symmetrel®)
Rimantadine (Flumadine®)

You can do other things at home as well. Take it easy and get lots of rest. up your intake of vitamin c (drink lots and lots of OJ) and water. Wash your hands often to keep the virus from spreading to others.

Good luck!!

Did you get your flu shot??
Suck on some throat thingys.
Have something cold(like a wet rag or icebag)on your head or neck/

1. Wash your hands
2.Be clean
3.Eat the right food

well just do the basic wash hands as much as possible, drink lots LOTS of water and eat healthier!

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