How would you diagnose the following symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 16, 2010

1. over thinking/mistrustful situations
3. trouble focusing and thinking
4. problems with thought processing and organization
5. difficulty understanding complex speech and language
6. seeing images in one's mind which don't exist outside of it
7. difficulty collecting thoughts
8. severe fearfulness
9. jumping to extreme conclusions

do not ask strangers to diagnose over the internet. even a doctor will not diagnose without seeing you. See a doctor. tell them what is going on. That is your best bet to get a correct diagnosis, and correct treatment.

These symptoms could be signs of multiple conditions, none of us on yahoo can help you. BUT please know that they sound serious and you really should see a doctor to discuss it further and get their opinion.

Best wishes.

No one on here could or should diagnose these symptoms. Only a doctor can diagnose EVER.

Go see a doctor.

Sounds like maybe a chemical imbalance. the Doc will try out some different stuff to balance you back out, if your lucky he'll get if right the first time.

being high on shrooms or LSD.

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