Hypoglycemic symptoms but blood isn't particularly low? Are there any doctors on here?

by Symptom Advice on December 24, 2010

I have had reactive hypoglycemic symptoms since I was about twenty. Every two to three hours I become nauseous and start to shake, get irritable and eventually I can't stand and feel drunk.
I have tested my blood and when the first symptoms start (nausea) my blood is at around 5.6mmol which is considered normal!
My doctor is not very helpful so if you are a doctor I would love to hear from you!
Thank you.

Why dont you make sure to eat a snack often, like every couple of hours just to keep those symptoms at bay. just pop something into your mouth. I'm wondering how long does that 5.6 actually stay at that level. maybe your symptoms come first but then you bottom out fast right after.
you should get in contact with a diabetic nurse in your area. doctors are limited in the amount of time they can spend with you. a diabetic nurse knows everything there is to know about diabetes but they have the time to spend with you.

I was the same way. you have to keep your diet balanced with quick and slow working sugars. Don't use caffeine excessively. I also carry sugar pills with me. you can get them at any drugstore.

Not everyone's hypoglycemic boundaries are the same. Yours may be slightly higher.

And maybe you're dropping just after you test?

Plus if you are normally high (hyperglycemia) and you drop, you will feel like this.

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