I am 27 years old and I my teeth/mouth is showing signs and symptoms of gum disease.?

by Symptom Advice on April 7, 2011

I have no dental insurance and I have an appointment to see a Dentist next week. the one reason I am going to the dentist is because he is offering a free day. what are the forms of treatment to cure this? Am I going to be wearing dentures at the age of 27? Should I go to Mexico for cheap dental work?

After the dentist takes and reads the x-rays, he/she will be able to tell how much bone loss and decay you have. you may need a good cleaning for the gums and some restorative work done on your teeth. Wearing dentures is NOT fun! Do whatever you have to do to keep your natural teeth!

you can also floss and use listerine it helps after ur done with the dentist

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