I am a 40 year old femal with symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I have had 3 CT scans and 3 Xrays. I have been?

by Symptom Advice on April 22, 2011

an oncologist who took a lot of blood. I have an MRI scheduled for Monday. would they have found or seen the pancreatic cancer if it were there? They have not found anything yet. I have also had 2 endoscopy's and 1 colonoscopy. I itch and have nausea and heartburn and have lost 20 pounds!

Keep getting it checked because pancreatic cancer generally shows no symptomatic signs until it has moved to other areas of the body outside of the pancreas. the pancreas is in a well hidden area so it's vital that you get pet scans and Mri's on a regular basis until you feel 100% clear, also itching , a sore back and high blood sugar are symptoms.
I lost my sister at age 48 to pancreatic cancer and it was initially thought to be Gall stones that caused her Jaundice.

What are these "symptoms" of which you speak of that has your doctors baffled when all the diagnostic test prove you have nothing whoringwith you – Nausea, heatburn, 20 pounds weight loss does not automatically equate pancreatic cancer. It could be something with your gallbladder.

You won't have pancreatic cancer symptoms till it spreads beyond the pancreas, then it would have been found with all the scans and probes and bloodwork you've had done. A tumor will show up..

It appears you are leaving out information.
Why are you seeing an oncologist?

Those do not sound like symptoms of Pancreatic cancer at all. I am sure you are fine.

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