I can't tell if its my Crohn's or I'm pregnant, weird symptoms. Help?

by Symptom Advice on March 7, 2011

I have Crohn's disease, I had it for 4 years now. but lately I don't know if the symptoms I've been having are due to a being 6-weeks pregnant or just Crohn's effect. I have pain in my lower back, nausea, frequent urination, weight gain, tired a lot but i have had two periods since "the sex" and they have been odd, dark-brown spotting for two days and then light bleeding with a "lining" type discharge the next two days. I'm not on any serious meds for my Crohns and I'm seeing an OBGYN in a week and a Gastro the following but until then does anyone know anything about this issue?

if you havenèt gone for blood tests then have yourself checked for iron deficiency. i had the same symptoms as pregnancy but it was iron deficiency. not sure about the weight gain but if you are certain taht you arenèt pregnant than this is what it likely is. iron deficiency mimics the symptms of being pregnant

If you suspect your pregnant why don't you just take a pregnancy test, you can buy them for a few pounds at any supermarket.

It's also VERY important to take vitamins in the first 12 weeks, especially if you have crohns disease.

My grandmother has crohns and she gave birth to a still born boy who would have been severely disable, also my husbands cousin who also has crohns and she recently lost her little girl at 24 weeks, who had various deformities.

Crohns stops your body from absorbing nutrients,a dn without these in the 1st 12 weeks you could have a baby with severe neural tube defects

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