I don't have symptoms of STDs but my boyfriend said he's been itching a lot lately. We don't use condoms. ?

by Symptom Advice on April 24, 2011

I'm going to the clinic next week but am freaking out until then because I may still have something without having symptoms, right?

Absolutely correct that you may have something without showing symptoms.

Also, seriously consider using condoms, especially if you or your boy friend are not monogamous. I hope you're on birth control, and not just relying on pulling out or spermicide, or that you're ok with getting pregnant.

Do get blood work done, do get checked, and have your boyfriend get checked too.

Also, consider getting vaccinated for HPV if you're going to have unprotected sex.

Yes, it could be jock itch or yeast. Always good for you to get checked out for STDs tho…. most are easily cured with medication.

WHY isn't he getting checked out too??? He is the one with symptoms, and although I suspect it isn't serious, he could have something that could potentially infect you. You BOTH need to be checked for all STD's and then have a monogamous relationship to stay healthy…

all guys itch themselves down there.
but if you are really freakin out about it then just go to your clinic appt.
good luck. hope everything turns out okay.

Most of the answers are spot on. some guys are allergic to a females juices.

hopefully he just has jock itch…it is the same as athelete's feet but in the underware.
good luck

Yeah HPV is the main one that usually doesnt show symptoms but you have the virus. but he might just have a yeast infection cause guys get it too. Dont panic until you know for sure, but he should get tested cause he is experiencing symptoms and it would probably be easier to find something in him than in you. but yeah ask them to test you for HPV

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