I have had acid indigestion for 2 weeks what could be causing this?

by Symptom Advice on February 26, 2011

I don't know why I have been getting indigestion for 2 weeks, I've never had it before. I have been taking a antacid containing calcium carbonate, it seems to relieve symptoms for a few hours then it comes back. what could I do to fix this problem? And what could be causing it?

you need to make an appt with our doctor. you could try PECID COMPLETE. its over the counter and it works. BUT,having constant indigestion is bad for you so you need to go to the doctor.

i agree; often indigestion can actually be another source of chest pain, which is why it's important to see a doctor. one of the more common causes is gastro-esophageal reflux disease; not sure about the treatment though.

For "at-home" remedies these are things you should try…Change what you eat and drink..no "acidy" foods, no sodas/pops/cokes. no coffee or no chocolate…Anything spicy [tomato's, pickles] or greasy fried foods or potato chips. if you smoke, that contributes too..also try walking for exercise [if you can]
For O.T.C. medicines to help check out Gaviscon it's really good, and Prilosec is now O.T.C. Sometimes if you have to take daily medicine, this can aid in having indigestion..

Pay attention to what "triggers" the indigestion and avoid it..once you get your stomach back "right" then you may be able to eat of those foods again, just in moderation…

You should, check with your doctor to make sure to don't have stomach ulcers and see what is the best course of treatment you need to help with this.. Some of the over the counter medicines can not be mixed with some prescription medicines, so check with your doctor first…..Best wishes…:)

Talk to your doctor about getting on some type of PPI – Proton Pump Inhibitor. These are drugs such as Nexium, Prevacid, Aciphex and Prilosec.

The reason your antacid is not working is because it is not getting to the source of the problem. GERD, acid reflux happen when your stomach is producing too many acids and this is when a PPI comes into play to bring the level down.

If you don't have insurance your best option would be to buy Prilosec OTC, which will cost about $24 depending where you go for 28 pills. I was taking this for a while and it was just as effective as the RX. However if you do have insurance the co-pay for Omeprazole is only $5.

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