I have herpes symptoms but my culture came back negative and my boyfriends blood came back negative?

by Symptom Advice on March 24, 2011

i got my blood drawn but i'm still waiting for results. he and i never had sex just fingering and he had no herpes symptoms and had never been sexually active before me, or me before him. is it possible i have it still?

If you have never had oral sex or regular sex then the only type of herpes you could possibly have is oral herpes (aka HSV1) which is what causes cold sores. some people count them selves as virgins even if they have had oral sex before. if you have cold sores you may test positive for HSV1. you can get cold sores on the mouth with out ever having sex and your partner could pass them to your genitals during oral sex if they have a sore at the time. I know it's not easy but try to keep calm and distract your self from trying to think about this too much until the result come back. if there is any thing then some one has some explaining to do.

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