I have recently developed psoriasis and was wondering if the fact that I'm pregnant is worsening the symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 17, 2010

Also I wanted to know if anyone has found a good medication that really cleared there skin

Since you are pregnant, it would probably be best to consult your doctor before using any medications.

I am a diabetic that has been fighting a systemic yeast infestation. This means I have high insulin, as well as a resistance to it, and an organism that helps perpetuate the high insulin situation by producing a sugar as a waste product. that said, in my readings on how to rid myself of the yeast infestation, I read that psoriasis is one of the symptoms of yeast overgrowth. I also read that the first change in a woman's body due to pregnancy is an increase in insulin production. There is some basic info about yeast at hufa.org at the yeast link.

Regarding medication, any anti-fungal should help, however it may just be temporary, until the yeast overgrowth is cleared out. I had to resort to prescription meds, finally, as diet and herbs were helping but not getting it under control.

So yes, I do believe pregnancy can, in a very roundabout way, cause/aggravate psoriasis and other yeast related problems.

Hi, i have had psoriasis for 12 yrs. I still have yet to find anything except predisone. It cleared it up but i dont like the side affects of that med and plus steroids make you age fast. But i have it really bad right now on arms, behind ears, in scalp, on forehead and eyebrows I really hate it. I feel for you. when I were prego it actually help my psoriasis.But i guess everyone is different. And anouther thing if your under alot of stress that will cause it to be bad also.

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