I have symptoms for hepatitis(should i check for all hepatitis)?

by Symptom Advice on January 7, 2011

hi i have a symptoms of hepatitis. and i have checked for hepatitis B. it came back negetive. if hepatitis B is negetive so all will be negetive?. do i need to check another hepatitis A,C,D,E?

You should have a full Hepatitis blood panel to rule out A and C as well. And are you testing within the window period (3-6 months) after exposure?

There are indeed various types of hepatitis A, B,C & D only and no E.

The symtoms are similar for all types of the diseases: itching, nausea, lack of appetite, malaise,low-grade fever, jaundice and dark urine ae most common.

It is advisable for you to go for blood hepatitis test. if your blood test reports on hepatitis is positive or negative, the doctor will advise you to have vacinations if necessary.

yes, get tested for the Hep A,C,D, E-very rare
If you go to your Dr, ask him/her to test your liver enzymes.
there are many liver illnesses out there, not just hepatitis.
Do you have any gallstones?stones can cause many strange symptoms.

Maybe your diet is causing you to have liver ills, also. one in five Americans has Hepatitis C, but I do not know where you are coming from.
Hepatitis C is incurable, HOWEVER< it does clear up on it's own with a healthy diet change and exercise, including weekly fasting (fasting, or not eating for a day, allows your organs to rest)
Look for Milk Thistle Dietary Herbal Supplement, and Herbal Tea called "Every Day Detox"
Drinking any amount of alcohol is just asking for trouble if you suspect liver ills.

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