I Inhibit Adult Adhd Symptoms What Do I Do?

by Symptom Advice on April 1, 2011

However, because of my lack of organization, unable to get things done.. major procrastination issues/ unable to focus,I have been putting away getting treatment or getting testedHonestly, I am not lazy. I work. so. hard. most nights I suffer greatly from my lack of focus and end up staying up the whole night to get things done. I don’t like to give up. However, there is something not right with my mind. I feel like I can’t control my compulsiveness, like when I get angry I just blow up even though I am a very soft spoken and kind person, I was extreamly hyper as a child. I had sever behavior issues that I don’t remember but my parents told me I once threw myself off a flight of stairs from my hyperness (i still have a scar on my forehead -__-) and that even sitting down in a chair being told to sit still i would put my hands on the sides of the hair and bounce up and down.I am the most random person and am compulsive in blurting out really stupid things…although I don’t have a major addiction to hard drugs (due to morals and my inability to get them), i have found i have a major addiction to chocolate. Yes. Chocolate is my replacement for drugs. the craziest compulsive thing I have ever done was eat an entire 5 pound thing of chocolate. As I was eating I was like.. stuffing my face and i was telling myself in my brain (ok.. you can stop eating now, and I had to yell to myself “STOP EATING”) and I literally could not stop. anyways, these days my mom had to lock up the closet so that I don’t eat chocolate or any other foods without her knowing.I don’t feel mentally wellWhat’s wrong with me?honestly, when i read the list of adult ADHD symptoms, I cried. I cried because it described me perfectly.

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