I need to know some signs a nd symptoms of pancreatic cancer im not getting enough info online?

by Symptom Advice on March 10, 2011

my sister past away on the 17 of july suddenly and i think this may have been a contribitor to her death i would like to know more about this disease

The reason this disease is so deadly is that it is often too late by the time it is diagnosed. Early symptoms may include a deep, boring pain in the upper right quadrant of the back, often confused with gall bladder disease. also, the sudden onset of diabetes-like symptoms without other indications such as excess weight, poor diet, age or genetic indicators. if you are worried about it, get tested.

I am sorry to hear about your sister. Pancreatic cancer symptoms are often so vague that the cancer is not found until it has metastasized (spread) and most people usually live only 3-6 months after diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer is also resistant to most types of cancer treatment. the pancreas is so important because without it you would be unable to digest and absorb nutrients from your food.

Medline Plus is an excellent research source. it gives brief information and lists many good links. try nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/pancr…

The National Cancer Institute has information at cancer.gov/cancerinfo/pdq/tre…

My dad went to the hospital on July 5th, was finally diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on July 20th, and died on July 29th, only one week ago. In hindsight he lost some weight because of a loss of appetite. He got very weak and lost alot of weight the last three weeks in all parts of his body except his stomach, which kept growing. when he did eat or drink nothing tasted good. He became very jaundice with yellow eyes and was very weak. Frequent urination was also present probably because the tumor pushing on his bladder. He was alert until Saturday morning and feel asleep that afternoon and died 12 hours later. very painful. He said it was the worst pain he ever felt. Really no signs up until late June and a month later he died. Hope this helps, sorry for your loss.

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