If my only symptoms are sore throat and body aches, should I bother to go see the doctor?

by Symptom Advice on January 16, 2011

My nose discharge is clear, and I dont have a cough or anything. This is only day 2 of my feeling bad and like I said I only have a bad sore throat and head/body aches.

I really dont want to go to the doc with no insurance and pay a lot of money just for them to tell me to rest and drink lots of liquids, ya know?

And that's all they would do too. tell you what you already know to do.
Just do what you said, rest and push fluids, especially oj or cranberry juice for the vit c, and wait it out. you should be fine.

Sore throat and body or head ache alone not enough to conclude you have usual problem. Consult with your doctor for better relief. any way if you don't want to go to doctor, then take your medicine for first 2 days. If you get cured its ok. otherwise there is no more time to take decision about whether should go or not.

At the same time check yourself do you have any other symptoms about head ache here. headacheworld.com/

Try drinking some honey with the juice of a lemon either with warm or iced water…it should be good for your sore throat. As for body ache…try to eating healthier meals( now n future) because when we don't give our body the necessary nutrients n vitamins regularly, our body will break down n that's when we start to fall sick.
Visit lifestyles.net for more health n environment info.

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