- Interesting Facts About Genital Warts And Herpes Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on December 14, 2010

Herpes is a disease evoked by herpes simplex virus of two types, known as HSV-1 and HSV-2. these 2 types of viruses provoke 2 types of diseases, known as oral herpes and genital herpes. Herpes symptoms differ according to the kind of herpes. You need to know that after initial infection the viruses move to sensory nerves and become latent and stay in a human body life-long. Some people live the life without knowing that they’re infected with herpes simplex virus, since no symptoms of herpes are revealed.Visible symptoms of oral herpes virus are commonly described as cold sores or fever blisters that appear on mouth and face. this kind of virus is communicated by respiratory and droplet ways. this way, a person may become infected in the course of an ordinary personal contact with a person infected with a virus when the disease is in its exacerbation stage.The second type of herpes is recognized by appearance of genital warts. if you are not sure whether you’ve been infected with herpes virus or it is a different infection, it is highly recommended that you consulted a doctor. have a look at genital warts pictures in order to obtain a clear understanding of visual genital herpes symptoms. It is rather understandable that genital herpes virus is communicated through sex contacts with an infected person. Some people think that it is not possible to become infected with herpes after just a single sexual performance. but you have to understand that this virus is highly contagious, so in case you are going to have a sex performance with a person you are not sure of, you should think of using a condom.these days no medicinal product that is capable of complete elimination of the herpes virus from human body has not been created. After being infected, the virus remains in human organism during the whole life. but still there are medical products that are capable of suppressing the activity of herpes virus for about five to ten years. The symptoms of herpes will not be apparent for this time.

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