Is it likely I will infect a partner with Herpes if I have no symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on January 28, 2011

I was diagnosed with genital herpes but never had any symptoms whatsoever. If I have oral sex, how likely is it that I will infect my partner?

hsv1 usually oral,hsv2 usually genital BUT hsv2 can be in the mouth,when hsv1 goes in your genitials usually goes away because it can not survive the conditions,but if u have either one in your mouth u can give it to him if u suck em up good.lolz but seroiusly double check and best bet take some medicaiont reduces the probability of you spreading it to him or a dental dam..

Even with no symptoms it is still very contagious

Pretty damn likely. take it from me, I know this for a fact.

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