Is it normal for allergy symptoms and their severity to vary?

by Symptom Advice on February 12, 2011

I get a short bout of allergies at the same times every year (oct. and march.). sometimes it starts with a really uncomfortable sore throat, other times it is just a bit scratchy. Then I will either get a stuffed up nose, or sometimes its runny and i sneeze alot. is this normal and what causes it?

Yes, its normal for the severity of your allergies to vary. to find out what your allergic to, go see an allergist. they will test you and tell you exactly what your allergic to and tell you what you can do about it.

yup comes from different plants pollinating and the wind is blowing them around…go to your allergy immunizytion clinic and they can do a skin test to pinpoint which you are allergic to then they will give you a ten fold solution (shot) in the arm to slowly build your immune system up so you dont have the symptoms anymore….

March is the season for tree pollens, and October is ragweed and many people suffer with that problem including myself. Many of us go to our doctors/allergists and get prepared for nasal medicines, but after 10 years with allergies, I have found for myself that medicines don't always do the trick. in addition, I cleaned my nasal passages with a nasal rinse both in the morning and in the evening using Grapefruit Seed Extract (a natural bacteria killer) and it helps in preventing big infections especially of the nose & throat kind. The water used for the nasal rinse has to be bottled, not tap.

This reaction is because pollens/allergens in the air enters your nose/nasal passages, producing mucous which runs down the back of the throat, and you swallow, but some gets into the bronchial tubes, and if infected can cause problems.

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