Is it possible for the fear/stress of being pregnant to cause symptoms of pregnancy?

by Symptom Advice on November 24, 2010

So my girlfriends been having nausea/indigestion and going to the bathroom pretty frequently, but she also had her last period only 2 weeks ago, and it was normal according to her, but she's been really stressed about the thought of being pregnant. Those are the only symptoms she's had though. Just wondering if those could simply be caused by stress.

Unless she ovulates early she cant be pregnant because she is around ovulation now ,
and yes stressing about it can cause the symptoms .

Yes sometimes if you believe you are pregnant your body will react and have pregnancy like symptoms. If she had her period this month then it is very unlikely she is pregnant. some women do have periods when they are pregnant though so if she wants to know for sure she should take a test.

yes those could also be from stress tell her to be careful about having sex right now since u get preg about 2 weeks after your last period…

yes it is very possible me and my husband tried so long to get pregnant with our first one and i hoped for it so much that i would make my self believe i was having pregnancy symptoms. i know its crazy lol

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