Is it possible that cough drops can make your symptoms worse?

by Symptom Advice on December 1, 2010

Recently I've been having a chest-y cough and conjested and i was fine before I started eating a ton of those cough drops..
Is it possible the Ricola company (or whomever owns them) has their cough drops worsen your symptoms so you will go back and buy MORE of their product?

No, but you might have gotten worse. I wouldn't blame the cough drops. I was "moderately" sick a week ago, and now I'm really bad off. I don't eat cough drops, but you can see how I got worse over a couple of days.

Ricola makes a good product though, really helps my kids. And yeah, they want you to buy more, but that would be counterproductive for them to sell you a product that didn't work. You wouldn't buy it or recommend it. That's how capitalism self-checks.

Nah… You could've taken a couple of rolls of Lifesavers- & the SAME thing would've happened… It's been pretty much Proven- that Cough Drops DON'T work… And other than tasting good, soothing your throat alittle, and allowing You to THINK they're "helping" – all you're really DOING, is eating Candy -to calm a Cough! :0

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