Is it possible to have Chlamydia or Gonorrhea and have no symptoms at all?

by Symptom Advice on January 28, 2011

Also, if you'd get one of the symptoms (a little puss out of the penis) for a while, then it's gone with no more symptoms or developments, would that indicate recovery? (without treatment)

Yes, it is common for men to experience few symptoms, if any at all, of gonorrhea or chlamydia. Your symptom going away does not automatically mean the infection is gone.

You should go get tested. most larger towns have free clinics that provide testing for a minimal fee or even free in some cases. Don't be ashamed, almost everyone deals with an STD at one point or another, and no one at the clinic with judge you. It's your health, and the health of any of your sexual partners, that is most important.

Go, seek medical treatment.


Majority of males show little to no symptoms when they are infected with Chlamydia. Just because you may not have syptoms does not mean you are not infected. if your partner informs you that she was infected, then chances are you too are infected. I say… better be safe than sorry and go to the doctor and get checked out. In the future please make sure you use a condom. we do not want you to come out with something incurable.

It's possible in the early stages of contracting them and after a flare up. These need to be treated properly ( medically ) as they can lay dormant( with out symptoms ) and symptoms can return.

Yes it is common for males to show no symptoms at all. both STD's can easily be treated by antibiotics so go to the doctor asap and before you have intercourse with anyone!

Yes you can have no symptoms and no it won't just clear up it needs treatment it could be dormant.

OMG, go to the doctor, if you are even concerned about this.

yes, its possible. and no, thats not a sure sign of recovery

You have to have treatment. It won't go away on it's own.

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