Is it true that occasional smoking can ease asthma symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 28, 2010

Some say it relaxes the airways.

I doubt that crap!

smokin dope maybe…lol. if you have asthma.. NO NOT smoke …lol

If you can't get your regular medication, you'd be better off with a couple of cups of coffee.…

Cigarette smoking is another trigger that must be avoided. If you smoke, you need to quit. Smoking cigarettes will make your asthma worse, and if you breathe the smoke from someone else's cigarette, you may get an asthma attack.…

Someone's looking to validate smoking. Nothing that interferes with normal respiration (such as smoking) can ever *help* ease asthmatic symptoms.

In addition to the obvious problems smoking causes, it only serves to increase the strain on the lungs

it inflames the airways…that is probably the worst thing someone with athsma could do.

i have asthma to and i smoke it does settle the little hairs in your throat but not for long.

Smoking can actually make your asthma worse. the only things I have seen ease "some" symptoms of an asthmatic episode is drinking a warm caffinated beverage… like coffee.

NO! just the opposite! who says this? Your enemies?

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