Is the health of the pancreas psychosomatic?

by Symptom Advice on December 9, 2010

Is it effected much like an ulcer does the stomach with worry. is it a symptom of emotional disorder and the result of eating improperly? is this how diabetes develops?

I don't believe there is much evidence to support your argument that the pancreas is adversely affected by your emotions. I don't believe that pancreatic cancer, which is one of the most deadly forms of cancer, is psychosomatic.

The health of the pancreas depends on many factors very rarely psychosomatic. the pancreas can be affected by viral or bacterial infections (pancreatitis) or neoplasia (tumors) benign and malign. Diabetes is a genetic-related disorder whereby some groups of pancreatic cells (Islets of Langerhans) stop producing the glucose reducing hormone insulin. Diabetes appears earlier due to bad eating habits but these certainly are not the principal factor.Emotional problems indeed can lead to the formation of gastric ulcers.

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