Is there any signs or symptoms of cervical cancer?

by Symptom Advice on January 27, 2011

I was just wonderin, Ive had genital warts for about 4 years now an just now figured out what they was… But Ive had normal pap smears for the last 4 years.. I dont understand it…
So if you have genital warts does that mean you have to have HPV??? Just kinda scared cause I havent gotten a pap smear for like almost an year in a half… any help would be great thanx

Run a search for cervical cancer. as for your other questions, ask your doctor. Please don't self-diagnose.

HPV is a term used for all warts, including those warts found on hands and feet and which are benign. But the aggressive campaign surrounding the types associated with cancer is creating a tremendous atmosphere of fear, so that people with benign genital warts are experiencing more fear than they should. It's reminiscent to me of the atmosphere when AIDs was the huge headline and people were afraid they were going to get it from mosquito bites and being served food by gay waiters. we are, in America, a culture of fear. No wonder we buy so many pharmaceuticals.

Of those types of HPV that one finds on the cervix not all will cause cancer. you can have genital warts and never get cancer. it sounds to me like you may have the benign type. If you didn't, your doctor probably would have recommended a surgical or other type of procedure to remove them. I am a bit skeptical of the medical profession. Sure they want to save lives, but hospitals and clinics want to make money too and procedures are ways they make money.

However, that said, I would recommend getting checked more frequently, especially if you are not in a monogamous relationship. Even if you are celibate you will want to monitor your cervical health by getting regular pap smears.

One reason is that there are a number of different types of cancer-associated HPV and although you already have one type of HPV, it won't necessarily give you immunity for the other types.

Also, condom use won't necessarily protect you from additional "strains" of HPV, as the warts can be spread via sweat, and the HPV virus can survive outside of the body (that is on the surface) unlike AIDS which requires bodily fluids. AIDS in comparison is a very weak virus. HPV is much more robust, but warts tend to grow slowly, sometimes taking years to develop into cancer. So you might have warts that don't do anything for 15 years and then begin to go through changes.

You'll also want to have them checked out so that if they do go through changes you can be proactive and try to reverse the changes.

But if you want to try to do something to prevent getting more warts and to keep these from getting worse and even to make them go away–called clearing the virus–you can try building your immune system. Warts are caused by a virus and there are wonderful substances in our foods and vitamins which are natural antivirals. Vitamin A, for instance, is a strong anti-viral. So is Vitamin C. Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables will provide you with antioxidants that can help your immune system.

One of the best all around antivirals is garlic. I used to use garlic directly on warts on my hands and cured myself completely of them. The key is cut a slice of garlic only the size of the surface of the wart and hold it in place with a bandaid or piece of medical tape. make sure the garlic slice does not touch the surrounding healthy skin as it can give your healthy skin a blister. I did this for a week with all my warts on my hands and they cleared up. I slept with the garlic on and in the morning removed the bandaid and garlic. in the evening I reapplied another fresh piece. I have had several friends who tried this and it worked for them as well.

I have the cancer-causing HPV and it's at the CIN-II stage and I am seeing a homeopath, taking vitamins to build my immune system, and am eating a lot of fresh garlic. I am even experimenting with a garlic tampon to see if that will help.

Here's what I am doing. I am not telling you that you should do this or giving you medical advice or promising that it will work. I am being my own guinea pig and though that might sound risky it's the choice I am making because I have had nothing but negative experiences whenever I danced with the medical profession. I am merely offering this to you and letting you make the informed decision which you will make by reading widely from a number of sources.

I read about this garlic tampon method years ago and used this method to cure a yeast infection and it worked really well. Overnight as a matter of fact. almost no one ever cures themself of a yeast infection overnight. But it worked. Garlic in addition to being an antiviral is also an antifungal and an antibacterial.

Take a clove of garlic. Carefully peel it and don't knick it or cut into it at all! This is important for the reasons I said above. Wrap the garlic in a piece of sterile gauze to make a tampon. Dip the tampon in olive oil or in coconut oil and insert into vagina. Leave in overnight and remove in morning. you might want to unwrap the garlic to look at it. it will be somewhat translucent. This means that the acids in your body along with the heat are "cooking" the garlic and releasing the antiviral properties. But it is happening gently. you don't want to knick it because the juice in its raw state could give you blisters. This is what a read in an herbal years ago and have followed that advice and never had a problem. I am trying this for three days on and then a week off and then another three days on.

Just so I can monitor the effect I have purchased a speculum and I look at my cervix at the end of the three days to see what is happening (making sure I am not causing any injury).

PLEASE GO TO YOUR DR. SOON .and no there,s no signs but i.m,concern about the warts.

I actually heard that remedy about the garlic before (for yeast infection)…they told me (instead of sterile gauze) to use cheesecloth. I guess either is fine. I never tried it tho. Im wondering what that would have the vagina smelling like tho…eww

if u have genital warts then u have hpv…u may get cancer from hpv but not always.U have to have paps once a year period…u could die.this is not to be taken lightly.

If you have genital warts, that means you have HPV. it is the virus that causes the warts.

In the UK, people with HPV normally get a cervical smear every year, (if not, it is every 3 years).

I would recommend that you get the test done again to put your mind at rest. that way the Dr can catch and treat (if needed) any cell changes early. you will most likely be fine!

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