Is this considered as having indigestion?

by Symptom Advice on December 4, 2010

I'm not sure what I've ate, but I usually NEVER get indigestion.

Here are some symptoms:
1) when breath in , I get a stuffy chest pain. I can't really pinpoint a certain spot.
2) I had about one diarrhea. :P

So is this indigestion?
I took meds, but it's not clearing up my chest pain.

Very possible. Sounds like something you ate has had a negative effect on your entire Gastrointestinal tract. top to bottom.

It could also be the result of a viral/bacterial infection — but that is less likely.

Just give it time, and monitor the symptoms and things will get back to normal. take some pepto-bismal, or anything similar to settle the stomach. if you still have loose stool, take a bit of immodium.

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