It takes for how long does symptoms of rabies appear?

by Symptom Advice on April 23, 2011

how long does rabies appear? bacause i bit by my puppy now my wound is healed but i have no symptoms like itching numb also infection on it does it have rabies?

if your dog doesnt become sick and die with in 3 weeks you should be fine, if it gets sick you need to go get the post exposure treatment, if you do have to see a doctor about it make sure you are given the rabies immunoglobin and the vaccine, but make sure they dont put any of the shots in the gluteal reagion(butt),
if the dog was rabid and at an infectious stage when it bit you and it dies with in 3 weeks, the disease has a 5-80% chance of becoming an infection(reproducing in your body) it depends on the site of the bite, what stage the animal was in when it bit you and the severity of the bite. Syptoms then can appear anytime between 4 days to a year after the time of the bite, most people with dog bites got infected with in 6 months the average is 2-3 months, then the victim will feel ill, get pain/numbness,along with tingling/itch stating at the bite site and continuing upwards and it may lead to paralysis. Dog bites are normally atributed with classical "furious" type rabies that involves hydrophobia(50% of victims), aerophobia,seizures,and halicuicnations. some victims of bat bites and in rare cases of dog bites have a slowly developing paralysis usually starting at the site of the bite and the legs. a victim after the symptoms appear would die in 2-17(average is 4-9 days in classic rabies(dog bites,cat or bat) but paralytic rabies(bat bites,organ transplant from infected person) victims usually die with in 2 weeks, but from what i read 17 days is the absolute longest a person can survive if not of life support but there's never been a documented case in the united states in the last 30 years of someone living 17 days with out ventelator support)….watch your dog carefully but there's no need to worry as long as your dog stays in good health for the next 3 weeks, the vaccine is expensive in the US i had it with all 5 doses, cost around $2,000 usd

If you live in America it is highly unlikely that you got rabies from a dog (bats, skunks and raccoons are another story). If you are worried check with your Dr.

I do have to ask why on God's green earth would you bite your dog?!? You are lucky that the dog didn't bite you back.

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