iTriage Mobile Health 2.72 Review

by Symptom Advice on March 12, 2011

If you are in a new or unfamiliar area, finding a doctor can be a daunting task. iTriage is an app that uses your phone’s GPS to locate nearby doctors, hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. it provides phone numbers, addresses, and options to call or get directions. you can even search for medical providers based on specialty or the physician’s name.

You can also look up information on disease symptoms and do research on diseases, treatments, and procedures. Search results narrow as you type your query, which saves time.

iTriage features an “Emergency” button that calls 911. I’m not convinced it’s all that much more useful than just pressing 9-1-1 yourself, but it’s there if you want it.

Voice-enabled search is also an option. But in my tests, the accuracy of voice transcriptions varied a lot, and I finally gave up on it when I realized that typing a search query leads to quicker and more consistent results.

iTriage contains a wealth of information about many medical conditions and treatments, and it provides Web links to even more sources of information. In that sense, it’s a very educational app. however, many different medical conditions have very similar symptoms, and this app should not be considered a substitute for professional medical attention. It’s more appropriate as a way to learn more about a condition once it has been diagnosed, instead of for self-diagnosis.

Also available is a glossary of medical terms, which could help you to decipher the jargon of the medical establishment.

iTriage is most useful as a way to locate and contact medical service providers. it provides the important information–phone number, location, distance, and directions–with a minimum of difficulty. for that reason alone, iTriage is well worth installing–it could come in handy just when you need it.

Note: you might also want to check out the free pharmaceutical reference app Epocrates.

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