Its acute and chronic Lyme disease symptoms Aware

by Symptom Advice on April 26, 2011

symptoms of serious illness can suddenly be anywhere from a few days or more than a couple of weeks of Never-ending Lyme disease gradually stored in the internal situation of the affected person.

Acute Lyme disease can be treated simply and effectively and amoxicillin soles or prescription of antibiotics similar to how penicillin, doxycycline.

Symptoms of Lyme disease start with a regular flu-like feelings. symptoms of Lyme disease areHeadache, fever, muscle pain, weakness, and stiff neck. After that, the tick bite after a few days or one month of experience about 60% of patients with light skin had erythema migrans (EM) – a growing irritation. the blacks are livid.

the flu-like symptoms, the symptoms of the disease may in fact until the treatment itself, as it is mental and emotional manifestations like even less of his swing, insomnia and mood concentratedDifficulties.

Analgesics may be used for muscle and joint pain and drugs, hampers the body temperature to be taken. the treatment lasts 1-2 months. Early signs should follow without any hesitation to be taken. the first sign is a common skin rash that is a direct blow flu-like symptoms such as fever, weakness, body, joint and muscle pain and chills. unusual symptoms of acute Lyme disease include palpitations, heart block and neurologic symptoms such as altered mental status andNeuroborreliosis, the central nervous system. there is a potential risk of Lyme disease, with a view of the final phase of its move to go to the start of the acute illness without end. the severity of the symptoms may disappear for weeks, months or even years before the extra hard in recurrent symptoms.

Fractional Lyme disease symptoms:

the doctors are probably too early Lyme borreliosis in the influenza misidentify names, and later, the experience of a couple of non-specific symptoms with a varietydifficulties with the various organs of the body. this is only a partial list of the symptoms of Lyme disease, because it implies an additional three hundred people in Lyme disease medicine glossary. the report referred to above is not a diagnostic tool, but the intent is to present a basis for a dialogue with your doctor about Lyme disease are immense.

non-specific symptoms: sore throat, night sweats, severe fatigue and inflamedGlands

Digestive: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (especially in children), and diarrhea are the major problems of the digestive symptoms of Lyme disease.

Heart: some of the most important Lyme disease: vasculitis – inflammation of the lining of blood vessels, including veins, arteries and capillaries carditis, Pancardite – inflammation of the heart or its surrounding myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle, the muscular part of heart.

Muscles and jointsPain is the most common symptom of Lyme disease: arthritis, which transfers from joint to joint damage in the joints of the body, as a result, the loss of muscle tone, muscle aches. Bell's palsy – paralysis of the facial nerve resulting in inability of the facial muscles on the affected side control

Nervous system: encephalitis – or meningitis (inflammation of the meninges system cell membranes that surround the central nervous system) and inflammation of the brain, aDisease or inflammation of the brain neuro-syphilis – an infection of the brain or spinal cord injury, encephalitis – an acute inflammation of the brain, spinal nerve root pain, tremors and shakes. Results: Deficit reflexes, irregular blood flow in the brain, confusion, mood changes and language difficulties – these are the main difficulties that show severe symptoms of nervous system Lyme disease and conditions, memory loss, sleep disturbances, dementia, neurotic disorders and panic attacks.

Skin:People who catch Lyme disease always get a rash. Usually it is forming a model hit the red and white rings around the tick bite. could then develop symptoms of Lyme disease, such as paresthesia – a sensation on the skin, such as burning, tingling, itching or tingling, with no apparent physical cause. sensory feeling, tingling and numbness.

Reproductive system: people who are sick with Lyme disease may have problems controlling urine. the problem could end the flow ofThe urine from the bladder. Other signs of Lyme disease, fecal incontinence – loss of bowel control, resulting in involuntary passage of feces. Men may have pain in the testicles – feeling pain in the testicular dysfunction. Sexual.

Women may have problems throughout pregnancy – miscarriage, and delayed development of the child. Many of Lyme disease are characteristic of diseases such as:

Multiple sclerosis – the disease that affects the central nervous systemSystem.

Parkinson's disease – central nervous system disorder that motor skills and speech impaired and other tasks.

Alzheimer's a progressive and fatal brain disease, the most common form of dementia. the Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior.

30-50% of patients with acute Lyme disease go on symptoms of chronic Lyme disease to spread. Also, some older people present, but patients without symptomstheir illness can actively following a series of fears, such as injury, surgery, pregnancy, are co-existing disease, antibiotics or harsh treatment of emotional stress.

Never-ending Lyme disease is particularly dangerous because the symptoms are more severe in addition, there are no hard and medicine for them. it can not be treated effectively with antibiotics, so there are some approaches and personalized patient care in the chronic form. the implications are for the callProlonged use of antibiotics and other treatments.

there is more controversy about the method of drug treatment. the combination of certain medications and chronic use of antibiotics can be overwhelming for the liver, kidneys and blood flow as well.

chronic antibiotic intake may lead to patient's immune system compromise. steroid therapy may be indicated. since the effects and counter-effects of a variety of treatments that have not yethave established a solid treatment can not be completely guaranteed only by the medicine.

the immune response to bacterial invasion is sometimes makes the person likely to influence the acquisition of other diseases.

Further testing is required for the disease constant since its inception, the system is caused by Lyme disease is not fully recognized. In addition, more than a couple of events suggestive of other diseases make it difficult for doctorsdiagnose correctly. the person may have acquired a new disease, yet show similar symptoms of advanced Lyme disease. Currently, physicians and doctors are studying alternative healing to find fresh support plans specifically for Lyme patients.

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