Just What Causes Gout Pain Anyway?

by Symptom Advice on March 8, 2011

Gout symptoms are a variety of rheumatoid arthritis, normally first characterised in an acute attack in the joint of the big toe or another joint in the foot.

Oftentimes this attack will occur during the night, with the stricken joint being painful, swollen and red without having any prior alert that the gout episode is imminent.

Gout is the consequence of a build-up of uric acid crystals inside the joints. Urate is the normal by-product of the metabolism of purines, which are found in a lot of foods, like peas, lentils, beans, legumes, shellfish, sardines, anchovies and food extracts such as marmite.

if the body chemistry is unable to break down the urate quickly enough, the excess acid will crystallize. these needle-shaped crystals collect in the area around the joints and cause an auto-immune effect.

that is why a gout pain episode can come on apparently suddenly, despite the fact that nothing specific has occurred to set it off. the prolonged gradual accumulation of the crystals in the joints will reach a ‘trigger point’, after which the body’s response is extreme.

the affected joint will swell up, turn red, be extremely painful and most likely itchy. the pain sensation will normally subside within two or three days and the symptoms totally vanish. however the underlying cause hasn’t improved; there’s still a build up of urate crystals within the joint.

After the very first episode has happened further attacks can be expected, even after an extended period of being free of goutsymptoms. Succeeding attacks will most likely be more regular, stay longer and start to affect other body parts. Once frequent episodes start it is an indicator that it is going to worsen, unless the underlying causes are remedied.

Eventually the urate crystals will begin to bring about permanent damage to the cartilage material, induce increased stiffness and also prevent the recovery which would normally take place between episodes.

it is important to decrease the probability of ongoing episodes, as the consequences can be serious and the damage can be permanent.

There are lots of diverse elements that ought to be addressed including a good gout diet, restricting meals rich in purines, cutting back on alcohol, reducing your weight, and eating certain foods which are shown to reduce the concentration of urate accumulation in the system.

it is important to deal with these fundamental problems before the signs of gout worsen. which is precisely what will happen if no changes are made.

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Tags: acute attack, area, being, body, body chemistry, consequence, cure gout, episode, excess acid, food extracts, foot, gout diet, gout pain, gout symptoms, joint, pain, pain sensation, rheumatoid arthritis, shellfish, toe, urate crystals, uric acid crystals

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