Keeping a Food Journal to Reduce Psoriasis Symptoms.

by Symptom Advice on January 16, 2011

We all know that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease.  we also know that certain foods can trigger worse psoriasis symptoms than others.  but certain foods that are perfectly fine for some people to eat can cause serious outbreaks and increased inflammation in others.  So, like most things in life, there is no simple answer.

How do you know what foods are best for you to eat?  Keep a food journal.  This sounds like such a simple thing, and it is, but not everyone actually knows how to go about doing it.  here are some simple tips:

  1. Keep track of EVERYTHING you eat and drink.  From breakfast to midnight snack, write it down!
  2. Note your skin condition, your mood, if you are stressed, and if you have taken or applied any medications since you last ate.  Update this information for each time you eat.
  3. Make your journal entry IMMEDIATELY after you eat, or even during if you like.  Don’t put it off.  You will forget, or possibly enter incorrect information about your mood or stress later on.  Do it in a timely manner.
  4. Do you want to track the amount of food you eat?  does it vary significantly?  if so, track the amount, but don’t go overboard.  This isn’t a weight loss food journal, keep it simple.  if the journal isn’t easy, you won’t be as likely to keep doing it.  Just have a box for “portion Size” and enter “small, medium, large” for the amount of food in the meal.
  5. Keep a journal for each day.  Do this for at least 6 to 8 weeks.  I know that’s a long time, but you will need at least that long to notice any trends.  Once you have that many entries, look for patterns where your skin is inflamed or your symptoms are more severe.  look for increases in stress, mood swings, increased portion size, or food types that may be the culprit.  Write these down in a notebook and try to avoid or reduce them in the future.

I’ve attached a simple food journal as a Microsoft Word document.  Please feel free to edit it to suit your needs.  Good luck!

Download the journal document here: Psoriasis Food Journal

Another good food journal, but not really specific to psoriasis, is at

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