Kidney Stones Homeopathic Treatment, Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Stones

by Symptom Advice on March 23, 2011

Homeopathy for kidney stone is a helpful alternative therapy. Kidney stones, acute as well as chronic, can be effectively cured with homeopathic medicines. Kidney stones homeopathic treatment can avoid surgery in many cases. Homeopathy is widely suggested in situations wherein the tendency of having recurrent stones is more. It has been proved useful in cases of kidney stones that cannot be treated with surgery or any other procedure due to various reasons. All homeopathic medicines are natural, safe and easy to administer and do not cause any adverse effects.

Kidney stone homeopathy treatment is a clinically proven therapy that can break the stones into gravel and eliminate them through the urine. the medicines used in homeopathy can cleanse the urinary tract. Kidney stones need to be completely broken down so that they can pass through the urine easily. Another method is to flush out all the dissolved particles and prevent the growth of microbes in the urinary tract. Homeopathic treatment can also decrease the recurrence of kidney stones. they step-up kidney resistance and continue the kidney function by allowing them to naturally keep the minerals dissolved in the urine.

Homeopathic medicines for kidney stone treatment

The following are some effective homeopathic medicines that are usually used in preventing and treating kidney stones and related symptoms such as pain.

Berberis Vulgaris: Berberis Vulgaris is one of the homeopathic medicines readily available in the market. It can effectively treat stones in the kidney and the urinary tract. This medicine is made from the bark of a plant known as barberry. It can be taken for kidney stones that produce pain around the bladder, thighs or testes.

Dioscorea: Kidney stones homeopathic treatment includes an medicine called dioscorea. This type of medicine is derived from a common plant root called wild yam. Dioscorea will be the most effective homeopathic medicine for treating kidney stones. you get relief from the pain as you arch your back or adjust your mid sections.

Belladonna: Belladonna, another type of homeopathic medicine, treats stones in the right kidney. Symptoms could manifest if the pain occurs suddenly and increases with every movement that you will make. High fever and high body temperature are other signs.

Sarsaparilla officinalis (Sars): It is an effective homeopathic remedy for those who suffer from kidney stones with almost unbearable pain. the urine of such patients may be white with gritty or sandy particles. Homeopathic doctors usually suggest sars to people who are depressed about having stones at all, in addition to having physical symptoms. Usual dose of this medicine is four pellets of 6x to 30x potency taken many times a day. an extract of sars is also available.

Cantharis 30: other medications recommended in kidney stones homeopathy treatment include cantharis 30. It can prevent violent, stabbing or cutting pain. the pain that shoots of in different directions is the most important symptom.

Ocimum 30 and Lycopodium 30: Kidney stone homeopathy remedies suggest consumption of Ocimum 30 and Lycopodium 30. both can prevent right-sided kidney stones with cramps in the loins. If urine has must-like odor and contains sand-like particles, Ocimum is considered for stones of uric-acid salts.

Pareira brava 30: This medicine can cure the symptoms of ceaseless urge to urinate. the patient experiences a great pain in the bladder region that continues into the thighs during his or her effort to urinate.

Sarsaparilla 30: It is another homeopathic medicine that can cure right-renal colic, the pain shooting downwards from the right kidney. the patient experiences a severe and unbearable pain after urination as soon as the urine stops to flow.

Choice of kidney stones homeopathic treatment is based upon the symptoms presented by the patient. the patient should also follow lifestyle medications such as drinking more fluids and regulating diet to prevent the stones.

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