Know More On Gonorrhea?s Symptoms And Infections – Charlotte

by Symptom Advice on December 21, 2010

Know more On Gonorrhea?s Symptoms And Infections – Charlotte

Gonorrhea is one of the most common and oldest known sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). it causes urethritis, cervicitis , epididymitis, pharyngitis , proctitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and can spread throughout the body to cause both localized and disseminated disease.

Gonorrhea is reported more frequently from urban areas than from rural areas. Gonorrheal cervicitis is commonly accompanied by dysuria or inflammation of Skene’s ducts and Bartholin’s glands. in a small fraction of men, ascending urethritis progresses to epididymitis

Gonorrhea rose to epidemic proportions in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. Fortunately, this widespread STD has gradually declined substantially since a national control program was instituted in 1975. Gonorrhea that is present in the male or female genital tract can be diagnosed in a laboratory by using a urine specimen from an infected person. Gonorrhea and other bacterial STDs are curable with proper diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of gonorrhea include a painful or burning sensation with urination and penile or vaginal discharge. but, according to Canada’s public health agency, the majority of infected women and some infected men will not show any symptoms. Symptoms are usually not present in about 90% of cases. When present, symptoms include anal or rectal itching, discharge, and pain during defecation. Symptoms of an infection resulting from oral sex, could include sore throat, tonsillitis, or no symptoms at all. When transmitted by anal sex, there can be inflammation of the rectum or anus, itchiness, puss-like or bloody discharge, feeling the need to have a bowel movement often, or no noticeable signs whatsoever.

Gonorrhea symptoms in women can include yellow or bloody vaginal discharge, bleeding associated with vaginal intercourse, and cramps and pain. a rectal infection with gonorrhea can also cause rectal discharge; anal itching; and occasional, painful bowel movements with fresh blood in the feces.

Gonorrhea can affect the prostate and testicles in men. in women, gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) , which may lead to infertility , and tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. Gonorrhea can cause serious problems if it is not treated early. You could get chronic lower abdominal pain. Gonorrhea is diagnosed by taking a culture of the cervix in women or the discharge from the penis in men. if oral and/or anal sexual contact has been made with an infected individual, a culture of these areas will be taken as well.Gonorrhea can also be spread from mother to baby during delivery. Gonorrhea infections in the throat may cause a sore throat. Gonorrhea can spread from mother to baby during birth and cause a serious infection in the baby’s eyes that may lead to blindness. a pregnant woman can be treated to prevent transmission to the baby.

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