Know the symptoms of a sinus infection in an instant

by Symptom Advice on January 11, 2011

know the symptoms of a sinus infection can be the difference between suffering from sinusitis and a healthy and normal. nobody wants to have sinusitis, because it causes pain and discomfort in daily life.

With sinusitis, it may be that you breathe hard through his nose. Her face may also feel bloated, especially the area around the eyes. and on this, you may have a throbbing headache. therefore of sinusitis whenpossible is the best preventive measure is necessary to keep in mind.

However, it is difficult and often difficult to tell, to, symptoms of a sinus infection from other diseases because of their similarities other than the obvious. take for example a cold stare. a person can suffer from sinusitis, symptoms of a cold, as in nasal congestion and discharge, and severe headache and pain or pressure certain areas of the face. This is because a cold, ofitself, is among the many symptoms of sinusitis. If left untreated, sinusitis, which is mistaken for a cold, lead to serious complications.

Check out these simple guidelines to help you differentiate sinusitis from a cold:

1. Duration of illness

Monitoring, how long does a cold is perceived the way to distinguish them from sinusitis. The duration of a cold really different, but it usually takes no more than 10Days. On the other hand, the sinus infection lasts about 10 to 14 days or more. in particular, symptoms of acute sinusitis lasting less than four weeks during which a chronic sinusitis for more than 8 weeks. in the case of sinusitis in around 3 or more acute episodes in a year, is classified as chronic.

another indication that there is an infection of the breast is the color of nasal discharge. for sinusitisWorried, the relief generally strong with pus, yellow, yellow-green. This is a sign of bacterial infection. on the contrary, it is the common cold from the effects of a viral infection. E 'for this reason that the nasal discharge is clear or whitish.

3. facial pressure or pain

People with a cold can sometimes feel pressure or facial pain. but suffering with sinusitis, the pain may be very likely to be felt in certain areas of the face, where theThe sinuses are located. The pain may be experienced on the forehead, cheek, or behind the eyes.

If the sinus infection occurs around the eyes, the eyes are red, swollen and painful. If this occurs on the cheeks, may be to the teeth and toothache increased travel by bending.

once you've recognized the symptoms of an infection in one breast, you should take steps immediately to a doctor or just make someself-care measures, such as nasal wash. Remember that the best medical advice for the saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure remains.

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