As we get older new health problems come into focus. One such concern is prostate issues. All it takes is for one friend to complain about their enlarged prostate and what they’re doing about it. Suddenly a gland you hadn’t given much thought to lights up your radar demanding some attention.
You may also have given little thought to prostate cancer but you hear it’s not something to mess with. yet this topic, and all it entails, isn’t something you bring up in the middle of a football game because, well, it just isn’t done.
Still where do you turn to for help? why is an enlarged prostate such a common problem? what about prostate cancer symptoms? what should you watch for? what can be done about it should you develop it?
Digging deeper you quickly discover there are few reliable symptoms when it comes to prostate cancer. plus your best line of defense is a regular check up that includes routine screening and blood work. Especially for guys 50 and beyond. because early detection is key to insuring the best possible outcomes and treatment success.