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by Symptom Advice on December 26, 2010

Home > Season for Caring > Archives > 2010 > December > 23 > Entry

Fernando Villa, 18, graduated high school last summer. He should have been enjoying a carefree summer with his friends before college — laughing at pool parties, jamming with his mariachi band members and savoring the lingering moments in the evening with his family before his terminally ill mother goes to bed.

Instead he was in bed, living with a rare lung disease, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.Fernando and his family are part of the Austin American-Statesman’s Season for Caring campaign, which features 12 families and helps hundreds of others like them through area nonprofit agencies.

But today, life is different for Fernando. In October, he received a double-lung transplant at John Sealy Children’s Hospital in Galveston. He will be able to come home briefly for Christmas before returning to Galveston to continue his recovery.

“My son gives me hope,” his mother, Teresa Urquiza, said. “He is so strong. I can’t believe how strong he is.”Urquiza’s health has not improved. Diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2008, she continues to lose weight, has pain, dizziness and nausea. she is now using a walker. New blood tests indicate that one of her kidneys is not functioning.

Doctors do not believe her body could handle chemotherapy. they are treating her symptoms and making her comfortable.

This Christmas takes on a new meaning for the family. Photographer Laura Jenkins is taking family portraits this week.

Soon, Fernando’s siblings, who came to the United States as toddlers, will be working with an immigration lawyer. Five attorneys have offered to help.

The family still needs air purifiers, gift cards for groceries, gifts and clothing, men’s small shirts and drawstring pants for Fernando, women’s small shirts and medium shorts with elastic waist for Urquiza, and a reliable car.

For more information on the Urquiza family, contact the Care Communities, 459-5883.

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