Liver Symptoms and Natural Home Remedies for Liver Care

by Symptom Advice on February 6, 2011

Your liver is the largest organ in your body. it is also one of the most important.

The liver has many jobs, including changing food into energy and cleaning alcohol and poisons from the blood.

Your liver also makes bile, a yellowish-green liquid that helps with digestion.

There are many kinds of liver disease. Viruses cause some of them, like hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

Others can be the result of drugs, poisons or eating too much alcohol.

If the liver forms scar tissue because of an illness, it’s call cirrhosis. Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin, can be one sign of liver disease.

Symptoms for Liver Care

Symptoms for liver cirrhosis are abdomen pain, gastric problems, improper digestion of foods, severe sickness, reduction in body weight, stain of the skin i.e., skin turns yellow especially eyes, and lack of power are some of the symptoms of liver cirrhosis.Liver Cancer

Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a cancer arise from the liver. it is also known as primary liver cancer or hepatoma.

The liver is made up of dissimilar cell types (for example, bile ducts, blood vessels, and fat-storing cells).

However, liver cells (hepatocytes) make up 80% of the liver tissue. Thus, the bulk of primary liver cancers (over 90 to 95%) arises from liver cells and is called hepatocellular cancer or carcinoma.

As pitta will be elevated, diet be supposed to include those which help in cooling.

As there is imbalance of agni diet be supposed to be an easy to digest one.

Most fresh fruits are satisfactory but exclude acid form fruits. Eat vegetable raw or steamed with slight ghee ( clarified butter) to help the agni to burn evenly.

Oily foods, fried foods, and surfeit spices should be avoid at all cost. Avoid salted nuts and fries. Diary and heavy meat not to be consumed.

Do not eat late at night and avoid irregular eating habits. also avoid afternoon sleeping, exposure to hot sun, exertion, anxiety, alcohol abuse, and smoking.

Home Remedies for Liver Care

1. if you have cirrhosis of liver then you be supposed to lower your daily intake of fats by twenty to thirty grams. this way you can prevent your liver from damaging.

2. Orange juice is also very strong for liver. On an empty stomach take juice f two oranges. try this remedy for about a week for better results. this is one of the very effective home remedies for liver care .

3. in about 250 grams of water add a combination of three to four scared fig leaves and sugar candy. Drink this water tow times in a day. this is very good remedy for liver care.

4. Drinking lemon water with a touch of salt in it is also good for liver. Lemon water ahs many medicinal properties that can stop liver from getting cirrhosis of liver.

5. Add glucose into one cup of water and swallow this glucose water thrice in a day.

6. Drink buttermilk by adding pinch of roast alum into it. this is also one of the very useful home remedies for liver care.

Read more on Liver Disease and Liver Cirrhosis and Home Remedies

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