Low pancreatic enzyme levels and elevated liver enzymes?

by Symptom Advice on February 17, 2011

Does anyone know what could possibly cause these two symptoms? along with a low hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cell, and red blood cell count? thank you!

It could be Pancytopenia

Red blood cells have iron (hemoglobin) on them. That
is what holds the oxygen molecule to be transported
throughout our bodies. When you give a blood sample,
the blood is placed in a machine and spun around fast.
This separates the plasma(liquid part of the blood),
white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells.
The Hematocrit is the percent of the red blood cells
compared to the whole amount of blood taken.
If you have low iron(hemoglobin) low amount of red
blood cells…you lack oxygen and therefore you may
be extremely tired. there is medications that the
doctor gives to raise the Red blood cell count. it is
called Epogen, Procrit, Anasep. or he may recommend
a blood transfusion if it gets too low.

The White blood cells is the immune system. There
are many different kind of white blood cells in our
bodies: Lymphocytes, Monocytes, basophils,
eosinophils, neutrophils, etc. if this stays low,
the doctor may place you on Neupogen to help
raise this amount.

You did not mentioned the platelets. if you
have pancytopenia…these would probably be lower

You may want to see a Hemotologist if this continues.
They may do a bone marrow biopsy to see if your
marrow is producing the needed cells.

Low pancreatic enzyme levels would be separate
from this. Low levels could mean that some of
your pancreatic cells have been destroyed. It
could mean possible diabetes depending on which
cells they are in the pancreas.

Elevated liver enzymes can come from blood and
pancreatic problems. it depends on which enzymes
are elevated. it could also be the liver cells may have
become damaged, or there is a problem in the bile
duct leading out of the liver that is having an
effect both on the liver itself and the pancreas.

The bile ducts combine into two main bile ducts
coming from the liver. They go to the gallbladder
and then to the Common bile duct that goes to
the intestines. The Pancreatic ducts also come
and hook to the Common bile duct just before
entering the intestines. if there is a growth,
stone, or something blocking the bile ducts…
this would lower the pancreatic enzyme and raise
the liver enzymes.

I hope this has been of some help to you.
Maybe you will be diagnosed soon by your doctor
and then you can be treated.
Best wishes

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