Lung Cancer Brain Metastases Prognosis

by Symptom Advice on August 23, 2010

Lung cancer may be the most tragic scourge because in most suitcases, it might have been vetoed, 87% of the stock collapse of lung cancer are caused by smoking. Lung tumor has long been the most common root of pest downfall in men and from 1987 has become more common at the start of tumor overthrow in women. Impaired lung is the flash that occurs most commonly as a tumor in most Western countries and, although the incidence of lung melanoma is less common in developing countries, the amplified precipitated in the popularity of smoking see the number of diseased lungs pest problem in these countries sharply with the Western world.

Lung cancers can arise anywhere in the lung and 90% -95% of lung cancers are believed to rise from the epithelial, or lining cells of the respiratory tract more or less large (bronchi and bronchioles), by this incentive, lung cancers are sometimes called bronchogenic carcinomas or bronchogenic cancer. the most shared cancers are lung squamous cell carcinoma, carcinoma of the small cabin, cabin adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma.

Most experts agree that the pest Lung cancer is attributable to the inhalation of carcinogenic pollutants by a body susceptible. who is most susceptible? any smoker over 40 years age, particularly if they started smoking before age 15, smoked 20 or more than 20 years, or worked, or the next asbestos. two other factors also increase susceptibility: exposure to carcinogenic industrial and air pollutants (asbestos, uranium, arsenic, nickel, iron oxides, chromium, radio active dust and coal dust.) national and susceptibility.

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS because pneumonic plague usually produces no early symptoms, the disease is regular sand in an advanced at diagnosis. Late perform signs are: with squamous cell carcinoma and small unit, a smoker's cough, hoarseness, wheezing, dyspnea, hemoptysis and chest pain. Carcinoma with adenocarcinoma and large cubicle, fever, weakness, mass damage, anorexia, and shoulder throbbing. moreover, production of the hormone that regulates various body functions can also be artificial.

DIAGNOSIS firm diagnosis requires x-ray heat, sputum cytology, CT scanning, bronchoscopy, pleural fluid analysis and biopsy. Other tests to expose metastases up scans bone, medium bone biopsy and CT scans of the mind and the abdomen.

METASTASES evil extends lung most often to the liver, adrenal glands, bones and head. Lung nightmare that has metastasized to the bone causes bone bite, especially in the spine (backbone), femur and ribs. Lung scourge that extends to the mind can result forecasting difficulties and weakness on one side of the body. Pulmonary sarcoma can grow into certain nerves in the neck, causing a droopy eyelid, small pupil, deep eyes, and sweat condensed on one side of the face, which together symptoms called Horner syndrome (see Autonomic Nervous System Disorders: Horner's syndrome). Lung pest can grow freely in the throat, or may grow closer to her and put the load on it which leads to difficulty swallowing. Lung disease can also pay through the bloodstream to the liver, brain, adrenal, spine flexion, and bone.

TREATMENT the treatment for lung tumor depends on the capture of tumor specific camera, how far has increased, and the watchman of the implementation phase. If investigations reinforce the ruin of the lung, CT and CT search by frequency of release (PET) take effect if the disease is localized and favorable to surgery or whether it has expanded to where it can not be cured with surgery. Treatment is usually a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Surgery is usually the first choice. Chemotherapy may be used as a healing first line of lung cancer or pests such as additional fear after surgery. Radiation therapy may be directed to melanoma lung from outside of the body (external radiation therapy) or can be put inside needles, seeds or catheters and placed inside your body near destruction (brachytherapy). Radiation therapy could be used alone or with other lung treatments painful. Radiation therapy can also be used to reduce bank ownership of lung cancer.

Treatment can not be as real for patients with bone or liver metastases from lung cancer, the death of an overweight, cigarette smoking in progress or pre-medical conditions not taken as affection disease or emphysema. at some point, if you and your oncologist or surgeon felt that the therapy first donation not advisable, hospice care can provide comfort.

About the Author

Information on Lung Cancer Symptoms can be found at the Lung Cancer Facts site.

ASTRO: Brain Irradiation Cuts Lung CA Metastases

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