Make digestion work for your health – rather than against it

by Symptom Advice on September 30, 2011

How important is good digestion?good digestion is (at least) as important as good food. If one’s food is perfect but ferments in the stomach and decays in the intestine, it enters the blood stream as what? – a poison.  Spoiled food is deadly, and that which spoils in the body is as poisonous as that which spoils outside the body. a poor diet well digested will do the body more good than good food if it is not well digested.Does your dietary intake of food supply you with the necessary nutrients to maintain superb health?  many of us that have made sweeping reforms in our diets will, unhesitatingly, reply yes.  then, why are we and our families falling sick, symptoms of ill health?

Basis of good digestion – enzyme powerHow can we be free of disease, the condition of ill-health, as God intends? Apparently, the answer lies in the proper digestion and absorption of foods you eat.  No matter how high the quality of your foods, no matter how carefully, painstakingly prepared, you still run the risk of declining health if your food does not feed you.  That’s right – your food must feed your system all of its nutrients and this is accomplished by proper digestion by enzymes.  If you lack digestive enzymes, then digestion works against your health by failing to extract vital life-giving vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates – essential to human life & health.

How do we rebuild enzyme power?If good digestion and absorption requires good enzyme power to actually do the work of digesting food material; then we must understand how to obtain the maximum power from our digestive enzymes. (Good digestion begins in your mouth!).  This means you must chew more if you expect enzymes to do a good job. the first enzyme in the digestive tract is found in the saliva of the mouth.  to be completely digested, all starches should be thoroughly chewed.We can indeed enter into the realm of an enzyme’s experience.  If we chew a dry piece of bread or toast, or any other starchy food thoroughly, the flavour will change to a distinct sweetness.  This increased sweetness is actually the digesting of the starches to simpler sugars.

Hasty eatingSeeing how important the process of chewing is to the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients, we will soon realise one outstanding reason why our Divine Dietician instructs his pupils in Proverbs 14:29 “But he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly”, for folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom.   Hasty eating is said to be the folly of our lives, we were born knowing the way to chew. 

The effect of hasty eatingThe food should be prepared for the stomach by thorough chewing to enable saliva enzymes to work on starchy foods.  since many people bolt in 10 minutes of chewing, digestion that should begin in the mouth is given no time to begin there, and the work that is not completed here must be done, if done at all, further down.  This is a very common cause of indigestion.If starches are bolted or washed down with liquids, the food passes by so quickly.  There is then added a burden on the starch-splitting enzymes in the small intestine, and often the starch digestion is incomplete, therefore, as is the case of all undigested food that passes from the body, they become lost nutrition that could have aided the body and are now useless waste to be removed.Unfortunately, before the neglected food leaves the body, it takes its toil.  Improperly chewed food requires more stomach muscle action, causing a strain in the digestive system because your stomach must work harder to accomplish what your flaws should have done.  This bears out the truth that as you gulp down your foods without vital chewing, you run the risk of cramps and stomach pains because of the vigorous activity of the stomach.  these are only some of the curses of hasty eating, with time, the curses become more pronounced.

Enjoy your well chewed meals from today and feel the difference!!

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