MedicalDatabase: Indigestion – Dyspepsia

by Symptom Advice on January 28, 2011

Indigestion – Dyspepsia

    * Introduction
    * Signs and symptoms
    * Diagnosis
    * Treatment
The term dyspepsia Act includes food-related suffering in the absence of any organic lesion (endoscopic and radiological examinations are normal). Dyspepsia is present at about 25-30% of the population, causing problems especially difficult diagnosis and selection of patients that require further investigation because of extensive investigation of all these patients is impossible. The etiology is unknown. Many factors are believed to be involved in the absence of scientific data. Among these are: food hygiene TROUBLE, alcohol, spices, heat (too hot or too cold foods), H. pylori, use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory aspirin. Among these factors are given credit only the last two, in their case is proven and their removal produces changes in some cases improvement of symptoms. Symptoms of dyspepsia may be: Type-ulcerous Reflux-type -Type dyspepsia or motility disorder associated with irritable bowel syndrome. Gastric cancer and all diseases can manifest as biliary dyspepsia, unfortunately does not help differentiate their symptoms. Because dyspepsia is more a symptom than a disease, treatment depends on the pathological condition. Excess stomach acid does not cause dyspepsia, antacids such use will not improve. Symptoms often disappear without treatment within a few hours. If they, in turn worsen medical consultation is needed. The best method of treatment is to avoid foods that trigger.
Causes of indigestion
Dyspepsia can be caused by pathologic conditions of the digestive tract, such as: Gastro-esophageal reflux disease Peptic-ulcer Gastric-cancer -Diseases of the pancreas or bile ducts. Often the underlying cause of dyspepsia is not known. This type is called functional dyspepsia and anatomic substrate junction is where the stomach makes small intestine. Dyspepsia can be related with abnormal motility, stomach muscles relax and contract, as the stomach receives food and propel them to ingurgitate intestine. A theory proposed by researchers is the concept of visceral hipersensitivitate, presumably normal stimuli are perceived as abnormal, such as painful as a normal colony contraction can be painful. It is unclear what causes this hipersensitivitate, but is increasingly circulated bacterial and viral infectious diseases of the digestive tract. Another cause of dyspepsia and the overpopulation is the colonic bacteria, this condition can be diagnosed by cmedicala test has expired hydrogen and treated with antibiotics. Non-digestive diseases were associated with dyspepsia include: -Diabetes, diabetic gastroparesis -Thyroid disease -Hyperparathyroidism And anxiety-depression -Renal diseases. Another important cause of dyspepsia are drugs. It seems that many of these are associated with dyspepsia, for example: NSAIDs-nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, ibuprofen -Antibiotics -Estrogen contraceptive therapy post-menopause. During menstruation, women worsening digestive symptoms. These changes correspond to the maximum increase female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. It was demonstrated that leuprolide injection therapy, a drug that inhibits the release of estrogen and progesterone is effective in reducing symptoms of dyspepsia. Pregnancy and excessive air swallowing during eating also trigger symptoms.

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