Mercury Poisoning Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on January 25, 2011

Mercury is prevalent throughout our society. It is used in paint, batteries, thermometers, and even amalgam dental fillings. Mercury is odorless, colorless, tasteless, and very poisonous. It can be incredibly detrimental to the body as mercury poisoning is systemic, meaning it affects every system in the body, including inhibiting the immune system. here is a list of mercury poisoning symptoms to look out for:

1. Psychological disturbances: angry fits, memory loss, inability to sleep, loss of self-control2. Oral cavity problems: inflammation of the mouth, loss of bone around teeth, ulcerated gums, taste of metal3. Digestive tract problems: cramps inflamed colon4. Cardiovascular problems: weak pulse, blood pressure changes, chest pain5. Respiratory problems: problems breathing, coughing, emphysema6. Neurological problems: headaches, vertigo, tinnitus

If you believe that you have mercury poisoning, be sure to contact your primary care physician right away.

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