Mold Allergy Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on March 7, 2011

People suffering from mold allergies have an immune system which overreacts when they breathe in mold spores. a mold allergy can cause coughing, itchy eyes, runny nose and other symptoms, just like any other allergy. Mold allergies can be linked to asthma in some people. In these cases, exposure to mold spores make is difficult to breathe. the best defense against a mold allergy is to avoid or reduce your exposure to mold. Medications can help keep the allergy reactions in check, since it’s not always possible to avoid mold.

Mold Allergy Symptoms and Causes

Mold is found everywhere in nature, but only certain types cause allergies. Alternaria, aspergillus, cladosporium and penicillium are some of the more common molds that cause allergies. Mold allergy symptoms differ among individuals, with intensities varying from minor to acute. some people have symptoms year-round while others experience reactions during particular seasons. others notice their symptoms during damp weather, or when in places that have high mold concentration.

The signs and symptoms of mold allergy are typical of other upper respiratory allergies. These symptoms include coughing, post nasal drip, itchy eyes, nose and throat, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing and watery eyes. Individuals with asthma and mold allergy may experience an asthma attack that is triggered by mold exposure. Sometimes the attack can be very severe. Asthma symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, tight chest and wheezing.

Mold allergy symptoms are caused by the response of an overly sensitive immune system, like any allergy. Your body interprets the airborne mold spores that you inhale as foreign invaders. In response, it develops allergy-causing antibodies. Your body produces antibodies that remember the invader; any repeated contact with those mold spores will cause a repeat of the immune system reaction. the symptoms of runny nose, sneezing and others, is the result of the body releasing histamine.

Mold Irritant Symptoms

Mold allergy symptoms are the most common trouble that results from mold exposure. however, this exposure can cause other illness without resulting in an allergic reaction. Mold can cause irritant and toxic responses, in addition to infections. These infections can be the source of many illnesses, including pneumonia, skin infections and flu-like symptoms. An irritant reaction can have similar symptoms to an allergic reaction. however with an allergy the symptoms usually get increasingly worse with each repeated exposure. An irritant reaction will have the same intensity no matter how many times you are exposed.

Toxic Mold Symptoms

Some molds produce mycotoxins. Your body can suffer a toxic reaction if you eat, drink or inhale any of these mycotoxins. Symptoms of a toxic reaction are similar to those of an irritant reaction; eye and skin irritation, difficulty breathing and flu-like symptoms. other reported symptoms include dizziness, extreme fatigue, headaches, lack of concentration and nervousness.

Risk Factors and Complications

A number of factors can increase the likelihood of homeowners developing a mold allergy. These include a family history of asthma and allergies, a house with high humidity levels above 60 percent or a house that is poorly ventilated. those with an already weakened immune system are also at greater risk of developing a mold infection. usually an allergic reaction to mold isn’t serious, though hay fever-type symptoms can be uncomfortable. but sometimes the reaction caused by mold can be dangerous. These include asthma, sinus infection, and lung infection or inflammation.

If you have concerns see your doctor. Do not attempt to self-diagnose your symptoms. even doctors don’t try to diagnose their own problems. Realize that allergic reactions, irritant reactions and toxic exposure can share similar symptoms. If you believe you are suffering from mold allergy symptoms or any other medical condition, seek qualified medical advice.

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