Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on March 20, 2011

Hello, I was wondering if anyone here would have a bit of insight on this issue. I'm 18 years old, and over the past couple weeks I've been having weakness and slight tingling in my legs, as well as muscle spasms and fatigue. I've had on and off lower back pain for a couple of months. I've also had a couple cases of lightheadness and dizziness.

About two days ago, I woke up and the left side of my face was slightly numb and I had a sharp shooting pain in the left side of my head. I went to the emergency room and the doctor told me that he did not believe that I had a stroke and that I had an inflamed nerve in my face.

The next day, I went to my doctor to get a more through check-up and he said that everything looked fine. he did a physical examination of my nerves, looking into my eyes, testing my reflexes, etc and said everything was fine. My EKG was normal and I had blood work done in February and all that was normal.

My main concern was that I might have Multiple Sclerosis based upon my symptoms, but my doctor did not seem to think an MRI was needed based upon all my blood work and my physical examination, and told my that he thought my issues might be more psychological.

Sorry about that overflow of information, haha, but my more specific question is, is it unlikely for me to have Multiple Sclerosis or some other type of nerve related disorder if my neurological examination showed no problems? any other comments are really appreciated as well. Thank you!

get a new doc–andy doc that would dismiss something as psychological without fully tetsing is a quack…

teh only ways you ccan tell if it is MS is a spinal test or MRI to look for lesions–regular blood tests wouldn't show anything

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