My dog has whipworm. What has been your dogs symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 20, 2010

I found out my dog has whipworm. He is being treated right now. what kind of symptoms has your dog had, while having whipworm?

draggs *** on the floor…

Eating grass and throwing up all the time.

The dog usually drags its butt a little, but that might not necessarily happen. the big telltale symptom is a little blood constantly oozing from the anus. the whipworms attach themselves to the colon and cause wounds that bleed.
A quick note-make sure you are immediately picking up your dogs poop as soon as it hits the ground. Whipworms can burrow into the soil and live for seven years. they can re-infect your dog at anytime.

My two dogs didn't exhibit any symptoms. I found out that they had whipworms when I did the annual fecal check. they had both been eating goose poop at the park earlier in the month before I took them in for testing.

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